Nepal Ireland Society 18th Anniversary Conference

The Nepal Ireland Society 18th Anniversary Conference took place on Sunday 17th  May 2020 (online)

Chief guest H.E. Dr. Durgar Bahadur Subedi, Nepal’s Ambassador to the UK and Ireland, delivered the key note address.

Irish President Michael D Higgins with the Nepal Ambassador to UK & Ireland, Dr Durga Bahadur Subedi. Celebrate Nepal Irish friendship, August 2018. Photo credit: A. Irwin

Mike Winterburn, chair of the board of Directors of Nepal Leprosy Trust Ireland, addressed the conference. Excerpt below:

‘Nepal Leprosy Trust is a Nepali NGO and was established in the 1970s Continue reading “Nepal Ireland Society 18th Anniversary Conference”

Lalgadh Hospital – extra care during COVID-19

We wish to acknowledge our appreciation to the wonderful, caring, work being undertaken by ALL staff at Lalgadh Leprosy Hospital and Services Centre in Nepal during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Like many other countries, Nepal is in national lockdown (which will be reviewed on 12th May 2020). This is to restrict the spread of the COVID-19 virus. To date there have been 59 recorded COVID-19 cases nationally, no deaths have so far been recorded, however, testing has been very limited so actual numbers are unknown. About 10,000 people, contacts or possible cases, are in quarantine.

In this time of global pandemic Lalgadh hospital has provided an isolation ward and a quarantine ward for Covid-19 patients. Staff have been provided with training and personal protective equipment (PPE) as they care for patients during the pandemic.

Lalgadh hospital have severely cut back on normal hospital services. Outpatient numbers are approximately 600 patients daily, that is now reduced to about 40 – 50 patients, mostly leprosy, severely ill or emergency cases. All staff are working hard to continue to provide the normal service to leprosy patients whilst at the same time taking care of those who may have the virus and require isolation and monitoring. Everyone entering the hospital compound are tested for fever to ascertain if they have the virus.

Fever screening desk at Lalgadh Leprosy Hospital. Photo: Sanjib Shrestha © NLT 2020

In the meantime, inpatients services are fully operational with about 70 inpatients in the wards, mostly leprosy patients including several children. 

Staff are working flat-out on extra anti-COVID infection control measures: systematically cleaning, disinfecting and fumigating the entire hospital, installing extra liquid soap and hand sanitiser dispensers, running education classes for the patients on hand-washing, stocking up on disinfectant, and still trying to acquire more reliable stock of PPE.

Due to the length of the lockdown the local government has distributed some food locally, however there is cause for concern about hunger, particularly in poverty affected communities. We are actively seeking information on this issue and may need to send relief to the affected communities that we serve.

The Nepalese people are a brave, resilient and caring people and continue to fight against all the odds. Please pray for the staff’s continued protection, safety and good health.

If you are interested in hearing more about our work or in sending a donation please contact Vera at: